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Impact (ESG)

One Two Capital always thinks carefully about the impact on the world in which we live when investing. Responsible investing is often referred to in the investment world as “ESG” (Environmental, Social & Governance)or Impact. These are environmental, social and corporate governance factors that measure the sustainability of an investment. One Two Capital therefore operates according to these guidelines. In addition, we are proud to commit to the Development Goals, called Sustainable Development Goals, or SDG for short, which the United Nations has drawn up as universal guidelines.

We have four SDGs on the agenda on which we as an investment company want to have a large impact.


We believe that working with an investment company gives an extra dimension to entrepreneurship. If you would like to discuss your ambitions with us, or you would like to know more about our distinctive approach, please contact us via the contact details below.

One Two Capital
De Boelelaan 411
1082 RJ Amsterdam

+31 20-3699788
E. info@onetwocapital.com


One Two Capital